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  1. News
  2. Cystadleuaeth Celf a Chrefft / Art and Craft Competition 5.5.23

Cystadleuaeth Celf a Chrefft / Art and Craft Competition 5.5.23

25 April 2023 (by Katrin Parkhouse (ParkhouseK))

Annwyl Riant / Warchodwr,

Hoffai’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon (CRA) goffau digwyddiad y coroni sydd i ddod. Yn dilyn trafodaethau, awgrymir gwahodd y disgyblion i greu coron, clogyn neu arfbais gyda thema Gymreig. Gwahoddir y disgyblion i ddod â’u gwaith i’r ysgol ar Ddydd Gwener Mai 5ed, lle bydd aelodau’r CRA yn beirniadu’r gwaith fesul dosbarth, gan ddyfarnu gwobr 1af ac 2il i bob dosbarth. Mae hwn wrth gwrs yn weithgaredd dewisol.

Diolch yn fawr.


Dear Parent / Guardian,

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) would like to commemorate the forthcoming coronation event. Following discussions, it has been suggested that the pupils are invited to create a crown, a cloak or a coat of arms with a Welsh theme. Pupils will be invited to bring their creations into school on Friday May 5th, where members of the PTA will then judge the creations per class, awarding a 1st and 2nd prize to each class. This is of course an optional activity.

Thank you.